Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Pro Life Community And Pro Choice Community - 992 Words

The status of abortion is one that will always be argued amongst the pro-life community and the pro-choice community. Abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks. (Dictionary) Jane and John are two accomplished individuals who put their careers ahead of having children. When Jane became pregnant they discovered that the baby had Down syndrome (Down syndrome is a genetic disorder that causes lifelong mental retardation, developmental delays and other problems. Down syndrome varies in severity, so developmental problems range from moderate to serious.) (Staff) They did not want have a disabled child, so they decide to abort. In this essay I will argue that it is morally wrong for Jane to have an abortion. Firstly I will present the â€Å"extreme† conservative argument to support my view, secondly I will consider one objection to my argument and finally I will provide a response to the objection. Thomson presents the conservative argument, which states the fetus is a person from the moment of conception, every person has a right to life, hence the fetus has a right to life, every person has the right to control his or her body, but the right to life always outweighs the right to control one’s body, therefore, abortion is always morally wrong. (Thomson ,1) Firstly, The big question is when is a fetus a person? Many will have different ideas and timeline of this event, but I believe that a fetus is a person from theShow MoreRelatedThe Legalization And Practice Of Abortion Essay1636 Words   |  7 Pagesabortion are considered part of the pro-choice category, while those who oppose the law and practice belong to the pro-life group. 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In 1938, laws were changed that â€Å"an abortion could be performed in good faith to protect the life and health of the mother, and that no clear distinction could be made between a threat to life and threat t o health†. In 1969 laws were introduced to legalize abortion under certain measuresRead MoreAbortion Essay879 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"fundamental† right (Roe V. Wade). The conflict over abortion that was divided into two camps, Pro-Life and Pro-Choice, sparked different views in conservatives and liberals; supporters of both camps may come together to help in sex education, distribution of birth control, and protection to avoid unwanted pregnancies. The right of the unborn, supported by the pro-life camp, has its beliefs and consequences. Defined pro-life individuals believe that personhood begins at conception and abortion is immoral killing;Read MoreAbortion and the Symbolic Interaction Paradigm1473 Words   |  6 Pagesinteractionism perspective. 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