Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Australia Day Event for Event

Question: Discuss about theAustralia Day Event for Event Management. Answer: Introduction Event management is one of the most crucial components and source of attraction in the tourism and travel industries (Jones Jones, 2014). It accounts for a substantial amount of revenue generation for the firms operating in this industry. Australia is undoubtedly one of the biggest tourist attraction spots and hosts some of the most elegant private and public events (Wainwright, 2017). The Event Chosen (Cultural) One of the biggest events celebrated all over Australia is Australia Day. It is celebrated on 26th of January and on this day the citizens reflect on what it means to be an Australian. Event Details Benefits This event is a very crucial event of each and every citizen of Australia as it celebrates and respects the basic rights every citizen enjoys including both the aboriginals as well as the people who have moved to Australia and have been living there for years (Clark, 2016). Description of Ceremonies On Australia Day, many public events are held by the government that aim to unify the people residing and bring them closer. Of these the most important ones are citizenship ceremony, affirmation ceremony and flying of the Australian flag. Fireworks, concerts and sports activities are also additional events that are held on this day itself. Goals and Objectives (Importance) About 16,000 people in Australia chose this day as the day when they become an Australian citizen, leave behind their past and gain a new identity (Damsholt, 2017). It denotes that since then they think together and foresee the future of the country together. At the affirmation event, anyone can take part and recite a pledge that reminds one of the values associated with being an Australian citizen. Lastly, the flag hoisting ceremony is of utmost importance as the flag bears the most important symbol of culture and pride for every Australian (Fozdar, Spittles Hartley, 2015). The goal and objectives are inclined with upholding of the integrity and culture of the nation. Along with this, the additional events serve as a big source of entertainment to the citizens. Staging of the Event Venue The ceremonies that take place on Australia Day are organized and monitored by the Department of Home Affairs and it also informs the local governments about the number of people interested in taking part in the events, especially the citizenship ceremony (Kleist, 2017). There is no particular venue prescribed in particular for this event and can be included as a part of a corporate meeting, an assembly at a school or even at a community gathering. The National Australian Day Council holds a number of barbecues, concerts, sports activities, fireworks festivals and carnivals. In Sydney, boat races are held at the harbor and at Adelaide usually international cricket matches are held. The venue of the additional events varies. The cricket matches are held at the Adelaide Oval and the fireworks are held at Elder park. Also, the city hosts parades, fireworks and concerts. Fireworks are also held all the different states of the country. Transport So there is no inconveniency related to transport as on this day public transport is readily available and the traffic is well catered to by the government authorities. Cost The ceremonies that are held on Australia Day are celebrated without implementation of any kind of costs to the participants. The organizers are also not required to spend on the arrangement. The cost if at all involves providing the participants with gifts or food as a complimentary item. The Affirmation cards can be downloaded free of cost. The cost of the tickets of the additional events is minimal as they are subsidized by the government. Duration The duration of the event including the citizenship ceremony, affirmation ceremony and flag hoisting ceremony takes a total time of about an hour. However, participants must also report around half an hour before commencement of the event. History The origin of the celebration of the Australia Day is believed to go back to the times when the first sleet of British Ships arrived at Australia in the year 1788. Even though this colony did not consider celebrating any particular day as their anniversary day, eventually 26th of January started being celebrated every year as the day of love for the land where the immigrants of the British colony resided. The importance and meaning of celebrating this day as a day of national recognition has evolved over time. In 1901, this day was used by the British colony residing to form a federation which demarcated the birth of a new Australia- the modern day Australia (Baguley Kerby, 2017). In the year 1935, the term Australia Day was used to signify and mark the day as a day of international importance. It was later declared as a national holiday. Entertainment This day is also associated with a lot of entertainment apart from the core ceremonies which are mentioned above. The celebration of this day with fireworks involves entertainment inevitably and is in fact a major source of attraction for both residing citizens as well as the new citizens (Coates at al., 2014). The carnivals featuring the various parts of Australian culture and the ferry and boat races are an absolute treat to watch. Marketing of events The marketing of the core Australian Day events which is the citizenship and affirmation and flag hoisting events are an essential component of any Australians life and the mass of people who participate are not required to be addressed with marketing skills as their participation is completely voluntary and is essential for people who wish to convert their nationality into Australian nationality. The other events also do not involve major costs and hence do not require core marketing skills. However, sending Australia Day wishes and providing discounts comprise the major marketing techniques involved. Issues There are many social issues that have risen with respect to this day wherein some section of the Australian population have claimed that this day should not be celebrated as Australia Day as it is this very day when the British invaded and captured this land and started residing here. Conclusion The procedure for enrolling to be a part of the citizenship ceremony starts long in prior every year. It is important for the authorities to keep a count of the number of citizenship and affirmation event participants and send them details and cards in advance. The infrastructure, food, lightings and natural resources are to be maintained and set up from before. The celebration of Australia Day brings people together and helps in inculcating the values and culture of Australian tradition in them. It is very important for every person as it reminds them of their freedom, democratic and judicial rights. References: Baguley, M., Kerby, M. (2017). Remembrance of things past: historical commemoration in an educational setting. InThe Palgrave Handbook of Global Arts Education(pp. 361-380). Palgrave Macmillan, London. Clark, A. (2016). Private lives, public history: Navigating historical consciousness in Australia.History Compass,14(1), 1-8. Coates, L., Haynes, K., OBrien, J., McAneney, J., De Oliveira, F. D. (2014). Exploring 167 years of vulnerability: An examination of extreme heat events in Australia 18442010.Environmental Science Policy,42, 33-44. Damsholt, T. (2017). I didnt think I would be emotional until I started saying the oathemotionalising and ritualising citizenship.Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 1-16. Fozdar, F., Spittles, B., Hartley, L. K. (2015). Australia Day, flags on cars and Australian nationalism.Journal of Sociology,51(2), 317-336. Jones, M. L., Jones, M. (2014).Sustainable event management: A practical guide. Routledge. Kleist, J. O. (2017). Australia Day from Citizenship to Multiculturalism: 19481988. InPolitical Memories and Migration(pp. 103-189). Palgrave Macmillan, London. Wainwright, S. (2017). Australia day versus truth and justice.Green Left Weekly, (1150), 5.

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